This Saturday I’ll be in California for one day only, to perform Jay Afrisando‘s [opera captions] with thingNY at Indexical in Santa Cruz. I also have two major life updates to share! Read on for more.

This Saturday’s show in Santa Cruz, CA will be thingNY’s second performance of Jay Afrisando’s [opera captions], which brings together accessibility, inner and imagined voices, and improvisation to reimagine what captions can do. This live experience features captions as “an actor” interacting with and personified by us five performers and you, the audience! Tickets available here, please spread the word to your friends in Santa Cruz. You can watch a trailer for the show here.
Moving on to life news: first, Evie and I got married! We traveled to California, Thailand, and Vietnam for a pre-honeymoon in July, had a pre-marriage celebration in Michigan with Evie’s family over Thanksgiving, signed the paperwork with a few close friends in early December, and celebrated again with my family at Christmas. We’re back in our house in Philly after a brief sojourn in New Jersey last year, and we’re having a grand old time.
Second, I’m six months into my two years as a William & Hannah Penn Fellow in the Policy Office of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation! I’m part of a five-person team that creates and reviews agency policy, weighs in on proposed state legislation, and participates in interagency initiatives. I’ve worked on topics that run the gamut: climate change, transportation revenue, murals on highways, licenses for undocumented immigrants, active transportation, environmental justice, artificial intelligence, naloxone in driver’s license centers, and more. I’ve had a fantastic time at PennDOT so far!
What I haven’t had is much time for music, and I’m looking forward to getting back to it this weekend. I’m still figuring out what role music will play in my life going forward, but for sure, I miss all you folks I’ve met along the way. Feel free to send me an email with a few words, a novel, or a picture or two…I’d love to hear how you’re doing.
Not to be confused with Councilmember Jeffery Young, Jr., Esq.,